Fran Alonso (Vigo, 1963), a writer, editor and journalist, is the director of the Edición Xeral in Xerais, a publishing house where he has been working since 1992, mainly carrying out duties related to literary edition, and he was the vice-president of the Galician Association of Editors (2006-2010). He was a contributor for Diario 16 de Galicia, La Voz de Galicia, the El País supplement «Luces», and the weekly newspaper A Nosa Terra. As a writer, he has published more than 25 works and has won several literary awards. Among his narrative works, the following can be highlighted: Tráiler (1991), Cemiterio de elefantes (1994), Silencio (1995), O brillo dos elefantes (1999), Males de cabeza (2001), Cartas de amor (2006), Ninguén (2011), translated to english by Small Stations Press as Nobody and A punta de pistola (2012). As a poet, he has published Persianas, pedramol e outros nervios (1992), Tortillas para os obreiros (1996), Cidades (1997), Subversións (2001), Balada solitaria (2004), O meu gato é un poeta (2011), Transición (2011), Poétic@ (2015), Contos nerviosos (2016), Estado de malestar (2016/2017), Terraza (2017), Street poems (2018) and Poemas inmóbiles de movemento estático (2022). He has also published the illustrated albums A casa da duna (2002) and A araña e mais eu, translated to english by Kalandraka as The spider and me. In 2021 he published Douche a miña palabra («I give you my word»), a book of essays on reading and literature aimed at children.
Other publications:
- My cat’s a poet, Children’s Poetry (three poems translated by Jonathan Dunne). Rights:
- Shiny elephants (fragment, novel for children)
- Terrae (Transicion), translated by Carys Evans-Corrales (in Metamorphoses, 2013, Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA.
- The Land of the Sea, tranlated by Minia Bongiorno García
- Loose Lips, sink ships (from Ninguén, Xerais, 2001)